The Italian avalanche offices have agreed upon using only one term: to describe a moving mass of snow down a slope, no matter if small or large, the term “avalanche” is used.
- What an avalanche is
- Snow
- Snowcover stability
Stresses and motions
Stability - Avalanche classification
Starting, run-out and deposition areas
Classification - Avalanche types
Loose snow avalanches
Slab avalanches
Wet snow avalanches
Dry snow avalanches and mixed avalanches - Avalanches in time
- Avalanche accidents
- When do avalanches “fall”?
- Prevention
- Cartography
- Protection works
- Artificial avalanche triggering
- Local avalanche commissions
- Uncontrolled zones
- Survival curve
- Self-rescue and organized rescue
- Snow and weather bulletin
- Empirical tests of stability
- References
Interregional Association
for coordination and documentation
of snow and avalanche probems
Vicolo dell’Adige 27 – 38122 TRENTO
Tel.++39 0461 230305 – Fax ++39 0461 232225
aineva@aineva.it – aineva@pec.aineva.it