Always active in the prevention field, AINEVA organizes practical courses for all users who travel in snow covered environments and are not interested in attending professional courses (e.g. Module 2a for Snow observer, etc.).

Who are the users?
 All backcountry skiers (but also snow shoes hikers) who already own basic technical skills and wish to improve their knowledge of safety issues, risk management and practical snow science.

What are the courses proposed by AINEVA?
 They are backcountry ski courses named Tracks (Leave your track, Follow your track)

Courses will have a very practical approach. You can view a footage drawn from one of these courses Tracks: “Leave your track” – held in France and run by a French guide from ANENA last season:

Who will run these courses?
 The alpine guides.
All the alpine guides? No, only those who have attended a special course for instructors (three days), to have the certainty that all of them use the same teaching methodology.

The first and second edition took place in Quart (Aosta) from 7 to 9 and from 27 to 29 January 2020.
We are now presenting the third edition, which will also take place from 12 to 14 February 2020 in Quart.

The course will allow guides to become AINEVA certified instructors.

How will the training course for AINEVA guides be held? Here is the course programme.
How much is the cost? 360 Euro, board and lodging costs excluded. Participants are also offered free lodging at the Alpini Corps garrison of Aosta (which Meteomont grants to us, thanks to a Meteomont-AINEVA agreement).
Where to register? On the AINEVA website through this link. (participants also have to specify if they intend to lodge at the garrison and send a copy of their ID document via e-mail). Deadline for registration is 3 February 2020.
How many guides can attend the course? In order to grant optimal quality, the course is open to maximum 8 alpine guides/candidate guides (teacher: student ratio 1:6). Registrations will be in chronological order.

For further information you can contact (office hours):
– info for registration: AINEVA secretary’s office 0461 230305
– info on training courses (contents, logistics, etc.): Stefano Pivot 3346205620