A comics book that describes snow, from its formation in the atmosphere to its complex evolution on ground. Mainly dedicated to children, this the version of a similar French work, appreciated for the fact of presenting a rich series of scientific concepts in a simple way.
- Each one his own snow
- It is snowing
- Snow forms in clouds
- Falling of snow crystals
- Snow on the ground
- Dry snow metamorphism
- Snow and wind
- Snowcover moves and glides
- Some amazing properties of snow
- Snow is cold… however it is a thermal insulator
- Snow, sounds and vibrations
- Snow and sun
- Snowcover control and avalanche forecasting
- Observing, measuring and transmitting
- Processing, analysing, forecasting and issuing
- Snow at the Equator
- Countries with snow
- Siberian-like countries with long winters
- Alpine countries with differences in snowfalls
- Snow quirks
- Artificial snow
- References
Interregional Association
for coordination and documentation
of snow and avalanche probems
Vicolo dell’Adige 27 – 38122 TRENTO
Tel.++39 0461 230305 – Fax ++39 0461 232225
aineva@aineva.it – aineva@pec.aineva.it